Arjun Sarja Trivia Quiz: An Indian Actor

By Gayatri Nair
Gayatri Nair, Content Moderator
Gayatri is an Indian Content Writer at The Famous Personalities. She brings in her Indian culture into quizzes on movies, series, singers, and sports making them diverse and rich.
, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 06 Jan, 2023
  • Attempts: 1
  • liked by 100%
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Arjun Sarja Trivia Quiz: An Indian Actor

Arjun Sarja Quiz: How well do you know Arjun Sarja?

Srinivasa "Arjun" Sarja was born in 1962 in Karnataka. He is a popular Tamil film industry producer, actor,and director from India who also works in Kannada and Telugu. Arjun, who is referred to as "Action King" by the media and his admirers for his appearances in action movies, has appeared in more than 160 movies, the majority of them in leading parts. Let’s play the quiz based on Arjun Sarja.

Read Biography of Arjun Sarja

Who Is Arjun Sarja? Play Quiz on Arjun Sarja, Arjun Sarja Question and Answer, Arjun Sarja Quick Questions, Arjun Sarja MCQ Questions, MCQS

When was Arjun Sarja born?
In which year Arjun won the Vijay Award for Best Villain for the film Kadal?
Where was Arjun Sarja born?
Which was Arjun’s first film in which he featured as a child artist?
Which famous Kannada actor was the father of Arjun?
With which film Arjun marked his Telugu debut?
In 1993, for which film Arjun won the Tamil Nadu State Film Award for Best Actor?
To whom did Arjun get married?
What was the name of Arjun’s first Tamil film?
When did Arjun won the Norway Tamil Film Festival Award for Best Supporting Actor for the film Hero?

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