Aruna Asaf Ali Trivia Quiz: An Indian Educator

By Gayatri Nair
Gayatri Nair, Content Moderator
Gayatri is an Indian Content Writer at The Famous Personalities. She brings in her Indian culture into quizzes on movies, series, singers, and sports making them diverse and rich.
, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 06 Jan, 2023
  • Attempts: 44
  • liked by 100%
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Aruna Asaf Ali Trivia Quiz: An Indian Educator

Aruna Asaf Ali Quiz: How well do you know Aruna Asaf Ali?

Aruna Asaf Ali was born in 1909. was a political activist, educator, and publisher from India. She was a committed participant in the struggle for Indian independence and is renowned for hoisting the Indian National flag at the Gowalia Tanks Maidan in Bombay in 1942, throughout the Quit India Movement. After independence, she remained active in politics and won the first mayoral election in Delhi. Here’s a quiz based on Aruna Asaf Ali. So, let’s play the quiz.

Read Biography of Aruna Asaf Ali

Who Is Aruna Asaf Ali? Play Quiz on Aruna Asaf Ali, Aruna Asaf Ali Question and Answer, Aruna Asaf Ali Quick Questions, Aruna Asaf Ali MCQ Questions, MCQS

Which of the following award Aruna got in 1997?
Where was Aruna Asaf Ali born?
When did Aruna got the Jawaharlal Nehru Prize?
When was Aruna Asaf Ali born?
Which school did Aruna teach at after graduating?
What honour did Aruna receive in 1964?
When did Aruna Asaf Ali die?
What movement did Aruna take part in at the end of 1942?
What year did Aruna become Delhi's first mayor?
With whom did Aruna start the Link publishing house and publish Patriot daily and Link weekly?

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