Elon Musk Trivia Quiz: Leading Businessman, CEO Of SpaceX & Tesla

By Danielle Goldsmith
Danielle Goldsmith, Content Moderator
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, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 06 Jan, 2023
  • Attempts: 13
  • liked by 100%
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Elon Musk Trivia Quiz: Leading Businessman, CEO Of SpaceX & Tesla

Elon Musk Quiz: How well do you know Elon Musk?

Elon Musk was born in the year 1971 in South Africa and raised in Canada and the United States. Engineer and technology entrepreneur, Elon Reeve Musk FRS is known for his technological innovations. Founder, chief executive officer, and chief engineer/designer of SpaceX, he is also an entrepreneur and business magnate. This Elon Musk quiz will test your knowledge about the life and success of this entrepreneur who is revolutionizing transportation both on and off Earth through electric car maker Tesla.

Read Biography of Elon Musk

Who Is Elon Musk? Play Quiz on Elon Musk, Elon Musk Question and Answer, Elon Musk Quick Questions, Elon Musk MCQ Questions, MCQS

Who was Elon Reeve Musk's first wife?
What was the name of the video game created by Musk when he was 12 years old?
In which year did Elon Reeve Musk receive an Honorary Doctorate in Engineering and Technology and get IEEE Honorary Membership?
From which university did Elon Reeve Musk complete his education?
Elon Reeve Musk is the CEO and founder of which company?
In which year was "SpaceX" founded?
Where was Elon Musk born?
Elon Reeve Musk is CEO and product architect of which company?
When was Elon Musk born?
What is the full name of Elon Musk?

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