Guru Gobind Singh Trivia Quiz: The Tenth Sikh Guru

By Sandeep Raghavan
Sandeep Raghavan, Content Moderator
Sandeep is an Indian Content Writer at The Famous Personalities. His quizzes are not only informative but also like a shot of inspiration.
, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 15
  • Last Updated: 13 Dec, 2023
  • Attempts: 10
  • liked by 100%
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Guru Gobind Singh Trivia Quiz: The Tenth Sikh Guru

Guru Gobind Singh Quiz: How well do you know Guru Gobind Singh?

Guru Gobind Singh was born in 1666 in Mughal Empire. He was a spiritual leader, fighter, poet, and philosopher who served as the tenth Sikh Guru. Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth and last human Sikh Guru, was formally appointed as the head of the Sikhs at the age of nine following the execution of his father, Guru Tegh Bahadur, by Aurangzeb. His four biological sons perished during his lifetime—two were killed in combat and two were put to death by Wazir Khan, the Mughal administrator. Let’s Play the quiz based on him.

Read Biography of Guru Gobind Singh

Who Is Guru Gobind Singh? Play Quiz on Guru Gobind Singh, Guru Gobind Singh Question and Answer, Guru Gobind Singh Quick Questions, Guru Gobind Singh MCQ Questions, MCQS

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