James P. Gorman Trivia Quiz: Chief Executive Officer of Morgan Stanley

By Natalia Harrison
Natalia Harrison, Content Moderator
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, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 14
  • Last Updated: 07 Dec, 2023
  • Attempts: 5
  • liked by 100%
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James P. Gorman Trivia Quiz: Chief Executive Officer of Morgan Stanley

James P. Gorman Quiz: How well do you know James P. Gorman?

James Patrick Gorman was born in Melbourne, Australia, in July 1958. He is a chief executive and chairman of Morgan Stanley. After graduating from Columbia, Gorman joined McKinsey & Company and rose through the ranks to become a senior partner. He spent ten years with McKinsey on the Merrill Lynch account, where he assisted in developing Merrill's online internet strategy. He joined Merrill Lynch in 1999 as chief marketing officer, a newly formed position. Here's a quiz based on James P. Gorman. Let's take the quiz.

Read Biography of James P. Gorman

Who Is James P. Gorman? Play Quiz on James P. Gorman, James P. Gorman Question and Answer, James P. Gorman Quick Questions, James P. Gorman MCQ Questions, MCQS

When did Gorman become the CEO of Morgan Stanley?
When did Gorman join the law firm Phillips Fox and Masel?
From which university did Gorman get a degree of Bachelor of Laws?
Who is James P. Gorman by Profession?
James P. Gorman received an M.B.A. from_______?
When was James P. Gorman born?
In 1999, which company did Gorman join?
When was Gorman Joined Morgan Stanley?
When was Gorman served on the board and as Chairman of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association?
How many children does James P. Gorman have?
To whom did Gorman get married?
What is the height of James P. Gorman?
Where was James P. Gorman born?
In December 2007, Gorman was named Co-President of Morgan Stanley, along with which Co-President?

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