James Watt Trivia Quiz: Invented Steam Engine

By Danielle Goldsmith
Danielle Goldsmith, Content Moderator
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, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 15
  • Last Updated: 09 Dec, 2023
  • Attempts: 8
  • liked by 100%
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James Watt Trivia Quiz: Invented Steam Engine

James Watt Quiz: How well do you know James Watt?

James Watt, the inventor, was born on 19 January 1736 and died on 25 August 1819. James Watt is best remembered for his improvements to the steam engine, though he invented and improved many new technologies during the 18th century. He is one of the great engineers who invented the Watt steam engine. Here are the top 10 quiz questions based on James Watt’s life.

Read Biography of James Watt

Who Is James Watt? Play Quiz on James Watt, James Watt Question and Answer, James Watt Quick Questions, James Watt MCQ Questions, MCQS

From which university did James Watt complete his education?
James Watt is known for the invention of ______.
Where was James Watt born?
Which of the following inventions were NOT done by James Watt?
Who is James Watt?
What did James Watt invent?
What is the cause of death of James Watt?
What is the height of James Watt?
When did James Watt die?
When was James Watt born?
What is the religion of James Watt?
How old was James Watt when he died?
What is the field of James Watt’s inventions?
How many children does James Watt have?
To whom did James Watt marry?

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