Seth Rollins Trivia Quiz: WWE Intercontinental Championship

By Olivia Isabel
Olivia Isabel, Content Moderator
Olivia is a creative quizmaster at The Famous Personalities. She is the one behind some amazing quizzes at The Famous Personalities. Olivia makes learning interesting with her quizzes on movies, series and education.
, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 06 Jan, 2023
  • Attempts: 17
  • liked by 100%
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Seth Rollins Trivia Quiz: WWE Intercontinental Championship

Seth Rollins Quiz: How well do you know Seth Rollins?

American professional wrestler Colby Daniel Lopez is 32 years old and signed to the RAW WWE brand. The name Seth Rollins, which he goes by in the ring, is more well-known than his real name. It wasn't until Seth Rollins was 14 years old that he started learning wrestling moves. As a teenager, he started playing backyard wrestling with some of his friends, using mostly a trampoline to engage in the game. Rollins decided during these years to make a career in professional wrestling, and it was during these years that he began his journey. Let’ s play the quiz!

Read Biography of Seth Rollins

Who Is Seth Rollins? Play Quiz on Seth Rollins, Seth Rollins Question and Answer, Seth Rollins Quick Questions, Seth Rollins MCQ Questions, MCQS

What is the real name of Seth Rollins?
Where was Seth Rollins born?
How many times did Seth Rollins win WWE Championship till 2022?
To whom did Seth Rollins defeat and win the first WWE United States Championship?
To whom was Seth Rollins married?
How many times did Seth Rollins win WWE United States Championship?
When was Seth Rollins born?
In which year Seth Rollins made his wrestling debut?
Who is Seth Rollins?
In 2014 Seth Rollins won ______.

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