Sheryl Swoopes Trivia Quiz: An American Former Professional Basketball Player

By Tom Nichols
Tom Nichols, Content Moderator
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, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 18 Feb, 2023
  • Attempts: 1
  • liked by 100%
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Sheryl Swoopes Trivia Quiz: An American Former Professional Basketball Player

Sheryl Swoopes Quiz: How well do you know Sheryl Swoopes?

Sheryl Swoopes is a retired American professional basketball player, who is considered one of the greatest female basketball players of all time. She played college basketball at Texas Tech and won three consecutive National Player of the Year awards. In the WNBA, she played for the Houston Comets and won four consecutive championships from 1997-2000. Swoopes was a three-time WNBA MVP and 10-time All-Star, and was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 2016.

Read Biography of Sheryl Swoopes

Who Is Sheryl Swoopes? Play Quiz on Sheryl Swoopes, Sheryl Swoopes Question and Answer, Sheryl Swoopes Quick Questions, Sheryl Swoopes MCQ Questions, MCQS

What was the name of the team for which Sheryl Swoopes played in Turkey?
What was the name of the college that Sheryl Swoopes attended?
What was the name of the professional league that Sheryl Swoopes played in before the WNBA?
What was the position that Sheryl Swoopes played in basketball?
In which year did Sheryl Swoopes win the WNBA MVP award for the first time?
In which year did Sheryl Swoopes make her professional debut?
In which year did Sheryl Swoopes win her first Olympic gold medal?
In which year was Sheryl Swoopes inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame?
What was the name of the team for which Sheryl Swoopes played in the ABL?
What was the name of the team for which Sheryl Swoopes played in the WNBA?

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