Vikram Seth Trivia Quiz: An ambitious Indian author, poet, and Novelist

By Gayatri Nair
Gayatri Nair, Content Moderator
Gayatri is an Indian Content Writer at The Famous Personalities. She brings in her Indian culture into quizzes on movies, series, singers, and sports making them diverse and rich.
, Content Moderator
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  • Questions: 10
  • Last Updated: 06 Jan, 2023
  • Attempts: 272
  • liked by 100%
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Vikram Seth Trivia Quiz: An ambitious Indian author, poet, and Novelist

Vikram Seth Quiz: How well do you know Vikram Seth?

Vikram Seth was born in Calcutta on June 1952. He is an accomplished writer who enjoys a wide range of genres. He has made a name for himself in the English language as a writer of Indian origin. An Indian poet, Novelist, and travel writer, Vikram Seth is known for his verse novel The Golden Gate (1986) and his epic novel A Suitable Boy (1993). His parents were businessmen and judges, and he spent most of his childhood in London and India.

Read Biography of Vikram Seth

Who Is Vikram Seth? Play Quiz on Vikram Seth, Vikram Seth Question and Answer, Vikram Seth Quick Questions, Vikram Seth MCQ Questions, MCQS

What was the book for which he won the Crossword Book Award?
What is Vikram Seth best known for?
What was the year he wrote Mappings?
What was Vikram Seth's book that won him the Padma Shri award?
What was Vikram Seth's first published collection of poetry called?
When was Vikram Seth born?
Where did he earn his Ph.D. in Economics?
Who is Vikram Seth's mother?
What year did he become a Commander of the Order of the British Empire?
What is the number of novels he published?

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