Analog Squad is a thrilling Japanese drama. The story revolves around Pond, a middle-aged man who recruits many people to establish a makeshift for his family with them at his estranged father's deathbed to make his dad proud one last time.Show More
Pond ropes in former girlfriend Lily to act as his wife and mother to his fake children, Keg, a playful teenage employee at a pager company, and Bung, a tomboyish girl who owns a video rental shop. Along the way, the four learn what it means to be a family while pretending to be one.
Which Analog Squad Character Are You?
Do you want to know which type of character you are influenced by in the Analog Squad TV series? Our quiz series covers practical and life-changing situations that help you know about the character of the Analog Squad TV series. Let’s play the quizzes and get your character results: