High Tides (Season 1) is an American action-drama series.Show More
Jeff Franklin directs the drama series. The story is about a former police officer who works as a private detective with his younger brother in San Diego. For their work, they continuously travel to exotic locations and have excellent Surfer skills. At the start of the series, they are working for Gordon, a retired CIA agent. In the series, both brothers investigate a big criminal case for their high-profile client. The series is packed with many thrills and adventures, bringing a twist in every episode. The series is the best option for people who love to watch thrill and action in the name of entertainment.
Which High Tides Character Are You?
Do you want to know which type of character you are influenced by in the High Tides TV series? Our quiz series covers some practical and life-changing situations that help you to know about the characters of the High Tides series. Let’s play the quizzes and get your character results: