Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is an adventure and comedy movie based on a game series.Show More
The movie is directed by Jeff Fowler. The Sonic live with Wachowskis after defeating Dr. Robotnik. He also attempts to help the public as a hero with little things every day. Tom advises Sonic to remain patient for the day his powers will be needed before he and Maddie depart for Rachel's wedding in Hawaii. While staying home, Sonic is attacked by Robotnik, who has escaped from the mushroom planet with the help of a mighty anthropomorphic echidna, Knuckles. Knuckles demands the location of the legendary Master Emerald.
Which Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Character Are You?
Do you want to know which type of character are you which influenced by Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Our quiz series covers some practical and life changing situations that help you to know about character of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Let’s play the quizzes and get your character results: